Lifestyle change 1.0

As you can imagine from my previous posts, 2014 was an tricky one for me.
I was slammed at work, working in an environment which I just wasn’t enjoying. I could do the work, totally fine. If anything I was nailing it. But I just didn’t like the environment, the organisation I was working for was a top firm and I was in one of the smaller offices so there was no priority to supporting me and helping me. I was working what 4 people did when I first started and now there was just me and a junior, who worked in a different office. I didn’t drop the ball on anything, never turned down anything, always helped out. I took it in my stride and got shit done.

You can imagine what this stress did to my relationships, body and health (both physical and mental). I think the line in the sand was when I started to get pains in my joints, and couldn’t get rid of this paralysing pain in my shoulder (even after months and months of physio and chiro appts). By this stage I was feeling terrible, I wasn’t happy and no matter what I did I couldn’t get enough sleep.

When I finally went to the doctor and got my results back, I was semi in shock but also relieved that there was a reason why I was feeling so terrible. Because if you looked at me, there were no major signs to demonstrate why I was experiencing these feelings.

At 26 I was diagnosed with my second auto immune disease, rheumatoid arthritis. I also have a thyroid condition which also at this point had flared up as my body had been in overdrive for months now.

It was at this point I began to think, I’m ruining my body and I’m not even enjoying what I’m doing.

So I began to think about what I wanted to do with my life. I decided to take a risk. I applied for uni, in a completely different field. Resigned from my job. Began a healthy lifestyle, exercise program and diet.

I can always fall back on my previous education and experience if it doesn’t work out.

But at the moment, am the happiest I have been in a long time! I couldn’t ask for much more – maybe except for winning the lottery!

This is the beginning of a very exciting journey for me and I hope to share it with you and maybe even inspire you.

Have you ever taken a life changing risk?
