My First post… Regaining control

Hello my name is Emily, and I am a 25 year old who is somewhat lost in life.

I have 2 degrees from university, a lovely boyfriend of a number of years, a loving family but deep down I’m not happy within myself. I think my career / current job has a lot to do with this feeling.

I feel lost, like I’m trapped, so in order to help myself a) mend and b) find something to do that gives me some direction, I am going to start a blog.

Crazy, I know. It’s something that most people start and then laugh at later, but I am desperate to find something I enjoy and I think I need a bit of direction.

I keep talking about direction, but what I truly mean is, a need a passion, I feel like I have lived my life pleasing everyone, and worrying about what everyone else thinks / says I should do, that I have lost myself.. sad I know. But, I wonder whether this blog, by having to sit down and write a post every so often, that I actually have to think.. About something other than work. Because currently I feel rather consumed by it, and that’s all I feel like my brain thinks….. even sadder, I know!

Therefore (I raise my hand) – I promise I will post at least once a week, actually make that twice. About something that I am loving, whether it be makeup, food, my thoughts, or something that has really got up my goat.

I have previously started up a beauty blog, but that didn’t work, I think the most posts I ever wrote were 3 or 4. I just feel like some beauty blogs are just too commercial / fake, like the posts are so sponsored that if someone had not received the product for free, then they wouldn’t have gone to the effort of writing, which I know, I can hear you saying, nah daaaah. But you know what I’m getting at. Although some of the other beauty blogs are just amazing.

I will sign off now, and hope that that my first introduction of myself, isn’t too sad, depressing or lame. I just wanted to air my dirty laundry, so to speak and get my intentions out there. I actually, think / hope that this in fact, is just the first step in regaining my control on my life.

I look forward to writing another post for you, soon.
