Moving Day

My Partner and I moved house recently. When I say recently I mean 3 weekends ago. As we were only moving a couple of suburbs over we tended to leave the packing to the last minute, and used bags and, and various other forms of storage to move things from one place to the other.

How people move from state to state, or town to town. Man, my hat goes off to you guys. Moving is such a pain.

I actually don’t think that sentence even starts to explain or define how I feel about moving.

We moved from a 1 bedroom apartment, that was bigger than most ‘apartments’ or hotel rooms that you stay in when you go away. Super depressing. Like you couldn’t even swing a cat in there let alone a 6’3” man and me in there. Honestly I think if we had have stayed in there much longer, there probably would not be any more ‘we’. It was horrid.

The only reason we stayed there for 2 years was because, when we first moved here. The market was sooooo hard to get into. Like I mean ridiculous. And we scored a really awesome landlord. We never had an inspection, we got bottles of wine and chocolates for Christmas. Really nice, right?? Wrong.

When we had moved out, we had a final inspection with the former landlord, and the next day I got a weird text message, like kinda stalkerish / creepy. So that nice ‘experience’ that I had in my head of our first place we rented together, just became totally ruined.

We moved to a lovely townhouse, that is much bigger than our previous place, and it is also privately rented. This time, the landlords, are super lazy, and I have to chase them to get anything done.

They left a mattress and bed here when we moved in and said, ‘you can have that’ making out that they were doing us a favour. To be honest with you sweetheart, I don’t want anyone’s second hand mattresses / bed that they can not be bothered moving. So I politely said to them that we weren’t interested in it and they can take it.

Thing is, they were supposed to come and pick it up the day after we had our keys. We have had them for nearly a month…. I can just imagine how fun this is going to be if / when something serious happens. URGH!

But getting back to the point that I originally started on this post about, is that moving into a bigger place is making our current arrangement look really crappy. We now have so much space, and we need new things but I have no time to get them.

You’ll probably notice from future posts that I’m a bit makeup and hair driven. I love getting my hair done, and changing the colour of it. And I love trying a new foundation or lipstick or bronzer or blush and the list goes on.

And currently in my situation my makeup is still in boxes… I know. I have my essentials. But I can’t mix it up (not that I normally did, that much, but I liked look at my goodies everyday). So part of me feels in complete without my makeup being set up and readily available. Same with my wardrobe. Like it’s semi complete. But I still have clothes in washing baskets.

Before you say anything about well what have you been doing on your weekends in between?? Well the first weekend we moved, we moved the main stuff you know, like kitchen, lounge and I did my partners cupboard in hope that he would help me with mine. Infact, he didn’t even notice I had done his… And then the next weekend, we went away down to the Crossfit Regional’s in Wollongong. Which was so nice to get away – it was soooo warm!! And this past weekend, I had planned to go to Ikea, but I have been sick. Sick as a dog. And this weekend coming I am going home to see my family and a good friend who had just had a little bub.

So I’m hoping one day I just wake up, or come home and the fairies have done all the work for me.

Somehow I think I will be waiting a while for that to happen.. Sigh.

Do you have any moving day advice?


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